GAMA DR2 galaxy shapes in KiDS g-, r- and i-band data

These catalogues contain galaxy shape information for galaxies in the GAMA DR2 release as imaged by KiDS DR3 in the g-, r- and i-band data. Shapes are obtained with the DEIMOS shape measurement method (Melchior et al. 2011) using a weighting matching procedure for each galaxy’s centroid and ellipticity. The radial weighting applied is tied to each galaxy’s isophotal radius that lies 3-sigma above the background noise level. On average, this corresponds to about twice the half-light radius. For more information see Georgiou et al. (2019, A&A 622, A90).

For the r-band shapes, we also release catalogues with varying this radial weighting to some multiple of this isophotal radius. For more information see Georgiou et al. (2019, A&A 628, A31).

Note that the ellipticity components of the catalogues are not corrected for multiplicative bias. To correct for this, see Table 1 in the both papers referenced above.

Catalog format

Catalogues in different filters:
g-band shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_gband_shape_catalogue_size_1.0.fits
i-band shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_iband_shape_catalogue_size_1.0.fits
r-band shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_rband_shape_catalogue_size_1.0.fits

r- band catalogues for different radial weighting, a multiple of the isophotal radius of each galaxy at 3-sigma above the background (r_iso):
0.5*r_iso shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_rband_shape_catalogue_size_0.5.fits
1.25*r_iso shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_rband_shape_catalogue_size_1.25.fits
1.5*r_iso shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_rband_shape_catalogue_size_1.5.fits
2.0*r_iso shape catalogue: DEIMOS_GAMA_rband_shape_catalogue_size_2.0.fits

Column nameDescription
CATAIDID of the galaxy in the GAMA catalogue.
Xpos_DEIMOSX-centroid of the galaxy in the KiDS image, measured by DEIMOS (in pixels).
Ypos_DEIMOSY-centroid of the galaxy in the KiDS image, measured by DEIMOS (in pixels).
e1Ellipticity component of the third flattening in the x-axis.
e2Ellipticity component of the third flattening in the y-axis.
IsoRadiusThis is sqrt(ISOAREA_IMAGE/pi) where ISOAREA_IMAGE is the number of pixels of the isophote measured at 3-sigma above the background. It is also the starting weight function size of DEIMOS.
SN_DEIMOSSignal-to-Noise ratio measured by DEIMOS (using the weight function).
flag_DEIMOSFlagging of DEIMOS: use "0000" for good measurements.
R0Resolution of the galaxy compared to the PSF. The closer to 1 the more resolved the galaxy.
e1psfEllipticity of the PSF model at the galaxy's position.
e2psfEllipticity of the PSF model at the galaxy's position.
QijDeweighted moments of the galaxy as measured by DEIMOS.
errQjiError on the moments measurement.
TileCorresponding KiDS astrowise tile used for the galaxy’s shape measurement.
Mean_weightMean value of the weight image on a small stamp around the galaxy. Used to decide which measurement is best when galaxies have been imaged more than once.
MASKValue of the AstroWise mask image on the position of the measured galaxy. A value of 0 means no masking is applied. See de Jong et al. 2017, Section 2.2.2 and table A.1.
RA_GAMARight ascension of the galaxy from the GAMA catalogue.
DEC_GAMADeclination of the galaxy from the GAMA catalogue.


If using any of the shape catalogue data, please cite Georgiou et al. (2019, A&A 622, A90) and Georgiou et al. (2019, A&A 628, A31).

