KiDS DR4 file types and formats

Data product types

The following types of data products are provided for each individual tile:

  • ugri Coadds: photometrically and astrometrically calibrated, stacked images; 1 per filter per tile; note: used for photometric measurements in multi-band catalog
  • ugri Weights: weight frames (1 for each ugri Coadd)
  • Flag images: FITS images with pixel flags in areas affected by bright stars (saturated pixels, diffraction spikes, etc.) (1 for each ugri Coadd)
  • Source lists: lists of sources detected in single ugri Coadds
  • r Detection images: photometrically and astrometrically calibrated, stacked r-band images from lensing-optimized pipeline; note: used for source detection for multi-band catalog
  • r Detection weight images: weight frames (1 for each r Detection image)
  • 9-band masks: FITS images with pixel flags combining the masks in all 9 bands present in the multi-band catalog

This corresponds to a total of 19114 files and a total data volume of 17 TB.

The multi-band source catalog covers all 1006 tiles, where overlaps between tiles are excised (contrary to the data products listed above), thus making this a single catalog with unique sources. Through the ESO catalog query interface the multi-band catalog can be queried as a single entity. However, for direct download the data are stored in multiple files: a metadata file describing the catalog contents and one (trimmed) catalog data file per tile. The total number of files in which the catalog is stored is therefore 1007 with a total size of 28.5 GB; the catalog contains 100,350,873 sources.

Naming convention

The naming convention used for all data products is the following:
where R.R and D.D are the RA and DEC of the tile center in degrees (J2000.0) with 1 decimal place, F is the filter (u, g, r, or i), and TTT is the data product type. The value of TTT for the different data products is given in column 4 of the table below.

For example: the r-band stacked image of the tile "KIDS_140.0_0.5" is called KiDS_DR4.0_140.0_0.5_r_sci.fits and the catalog data file of the same tile KiDS_DR4.0_140.0_0.5_ugriZYJHKs_cat.fits.

The following table lists the types of data products provided in this release, together with descriptions of the file types and naming conventions used.

Data productESO product category nameFile typeTTTF
Calibrated, stacked imagesSCIENCE.IMAGEFITS imagesciu,g,r,i
Weight framesANCILLARY.WEIGHTMAPFITS imageweiu,g,r,i
MasksANCILLARY.MASKFITS imagemsku,g,r,i
Single-band source listsSCIENCE.SRCTBLBinary FITS tablesrcu,g,r,i
Multi-band catalogue data fileSCIENCE.MCATALOGBinary FITS tablecatugriZYJHKs
r-band Detection imageANCILLARY.IMAGEFITS imagedet_scir
Detection weight imageANCILLARY.IMAGEFITS imagedet_weir
9-band mask imageANCILLARY.MASKFITS imagemskugriZYJHKs


Image data format

The final calibrated, coadded images have a uniform pixel scale of 0.2 arcsec. The pixel units are fluxes relative to the flux corresponding to magnitude = 0. This means that the effective zeropoint is equal to 0 and the magnitude m corresponding to a pixel value f is:

m = -2.5 log10 f.

The gain varies slightly over the field-of-view because of the zeropoint offsets applied to individual CCDs to homogenize the photometry. An average effective gain is provided in the FITS header of each image.

Subsequent photometric zeropoint corrections were derived from the catalogues and recorded in the image headers using the DMAG keyword. The keywords CALSTARS and CALMINAP give the number of Gaia stars that were used in the calibration, and CALMINAP is the value of the GAaP MINAPER parameter (0.7 or 1.0) that was used for the photometry that resulted in this zeropoint.

The r-band detection images, which result from a reduction using THELI, specifically designed for optimal image shape measurement and small astrometric reductions, are the basis of the multi-band catalogue. They have a pixel scale that is closer to the native OmegaCAM pixel size of 0.213".

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Single-band catalog columns

The following table lists the columns that are present in the single-band source lists provided in KiDS-ESO-DR4. In the following we provide additional information on certain columns:

  • 2DPHOT: KiDS-CAT star/galaxy classification bitmap based on the source morphology (see e.g. de Jong et al., 2015). Values are: 1 = high confidence star candidate; 2 = unreliable source (e.g. cosmic ray); 4 = star according to star/galaxy separation criteria; 0 = all other sources (e.g. including galaxies). Sources identified as stars can thus have a flag value of 1, 4 or 5.
  • IMAFLAGS_ISO: Bitmap of mask flags indicating the types of masked areas that intersect with each source's isophotes, as identified by the Pulecenella software (de Jong et al., 2015). Different flag values indicate different types of areas: 1 = readout spike; 2 = saturation core; 4 = diffraction spike; 8 = primary reflection halo; 16 = secondary reflection halo; 32 = tertiary reflection halo; 64 = bad pixel.
  • FLUX_APER_* and FLUXERR_APER_*: aperture flux measurements are included for 27 different aperture sizes. In the table only the smallest (2 pixels or 0.4 arcsec diameter) and the largest (200 pixels or 40 arcsec diameter) are listed; the label for the aperture of 28.5 pixels is FLUX_APER_28p5.
2DPHOTJSourceclassification (see section on star/galaxy separation)
X_IMAGEEpixelObject position along x
Y_IMAGEEpixelObject position along y
NUMBERJRunning object number
CLASS_STARES-Extractor S/G classifier
FLAGSJExtraction flags
IMAFLAGS_ISOJFLAG-image flags OR'ed over the iso. profile
NIMAFLAG_ISOJNumber of flagged pixels entering
FLUX_RADIUSEpixelFraction-of-light radii
KRON_RADIUSEpixelKron apertures in units of A or B
FWHM_IMAGEEpixelFWHM assuming a gaussian core
ISOAREA_IMAGEJpixel2Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
THETA_IMAGEEdegPosition angle (CCW/x)
MAG_AUTOEmagKron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
MAGERR_AUTOEmagRMS error for AUTO magnitude
ALPHA_J2000DdegRight ascension of baryleft (J2000)
DELTA_J2000DdegDeclination of baryleft (J2000)
FLUX_APER_2EcountFlux vector within circular aperture of 2 pixels
FLUX_APER_200EcountFlux vector within circular aperture of 200 pixels
FLUXERR_APER_2EcountRMS error vector for flux within aperture of 2 pixels
FLUXERR_APER_200EcountRMS error vector for flux within aperture of 200 pixels
MAG_ISOEmagIsophotal magnitude
MAGERR_ISOEmagRMS error for isophotal magnitude
MAG_ISOCOREmagCorrected isophotal magnitude
MAGERR_ISOCOREmagRMS error for corrected isophotal magnitude
BACKGROUNDEcountBackground at centroid position
THRESHOLDEcountDetection threshold above background
MU_THRESHOLDEarcsec-2Detection threshold above background
FLUX_MAXEcountPeak flux above background
MU_MAXEarcsec-2Peak surface brightness above background
ISOAREA_WORLDEdeg2Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
XMIN_IMAGEJpixelMinimum x-coordinate among detected pixels
YMIN_IMAGEJpixelMinimum y-coordinate among detected pixels
XMAX_IMAGEJpixelMaximum x-coordinate among detected pixels
YMAX_IMAGEJpixelMaximum y-coordinate among detected pixels
X_WORLDDdegBaryleft position along world x axis
Y_WORLDDdegBaryleft position along world y axis
XWIN_IMAGEEpixelWindowed position estimate along x
YWIN_IMAGEEpixelWindowed position estimate along y
X2_IMAGEDpixel2Variance along x
Y2_IMAGEDpixel2Variance along y
XY_IMAGEDpixel2Covariance between x and y
X2_WORLDEdeg2Variance along X-WORLD (alpha)
Y2_WORLDEdeg2Variance along Y-WORLD (delta)
XY_WORLDEdeg2Covariance between X-WORLD and Y-WORLD
CXX_IMAGEEpixel-2Cxx object ellipse parameter
CYY_IMAGEEpixel-2Cyy object ellipse parameter
CXY_IMAGEEpixel-2Cxy object ellipse parameter
CXX_WORLDEdeg-2Cxx object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
CYY_WORLDEdeg-2Cyy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
CXY_WORLDEdeg-2Cxy object ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
A_IMAGEDpixelProfile RMS along major axis
B_IMAGEDpixelProfile RMS along minor axis
A_WORLDEdegProfile RMS along major axis (WORLD units)
B_WORLDEdegProfile RMS along minor axis (WORLD units)
THETA_WORLDEdegPosition angle (CCW/world-x)
THETA_J2000EdegPosition angle (east of north) (J2000)
ERRX2_IMAGEEpixel2Variance of position along x
ERRY2_IMAGEEpixel2Variance of position along y
ERRXY_IMAGEEpixel2Covariance of position between x and y
ERRX2_WORLDEdeg2Variance of position along X-WORLD (alpha)
ERRY2_WORLDEdeg2Variance of position along Y-WORLD (delta)
ERRXY_WORLDEdeg2Covariance of position X-WORLD/Y-WORLD
ERRCXX_IMAGEEpixel-2Cxx error ellipse parameter
ERRCYY_IMAGEEpixel-2Cyy error ellipse parameter
ERRCXY_IMAGEEpixel-2Cxy error ellipse parameter
ERRCXX_WORLDEdeg-2Cxx error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
ERRCYY_WORLDEdeg-2Cyy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
ERRCXY_WORLDEdeg-2Cxy error ellipse parameter (WORLD units)
ERRA_IMAGEEpixelRMS position error along major axis
ERRB_IMAGEEpixelRMS position error along minor axis
ERRA_WORLDEdegWorld RMS position error along major axis
ERRB_WORLDEdegWorld RMS position error along minor axis
ERRTHETA_IMAGEEdegError ellipse pos. angle (CCW/x)
ERRTHETA_WORLDEdegError ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
ERRTHETA_J2000EdegJ2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
FWHM_WORLDEdegFWHM assuming a gaussian core
ISO0Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 0
ISO1Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 1
ISO2Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 2
ISO3Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 3
ISO4Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 4
ISO5Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 5
ISO6Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 6
ISO7Jpixel2Isophotal area at level 7
SLIDKSource list ID
SIDKSource ID within the source list
HTMKHierarchical Triangular Mesh (level 25)
FLAGKNot used

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Multi-band catalog columns

The following table lists the columns that are present in the multi-band source catalog provided in KiDS-ESO-DR4. In the following we provide additional information on certain columns:

  • SG2DPHOT: KiDS-CAT star/galaxy classification bitmap based on the r-band Detection image source morphology (see e.g. de Jong et al., 2015). Values are: 1 = high confidence star candidate; 2 = unreliable source (e.g. cosmic ray); 4 = star according to star/galaxy separation criteria; 0 = all other sources (e.g. including galaxies). Sources identified as stars can thus have a flag value of 1, 4 or 5.
  • FLUX_GAAP_*_<F>: Gaussian Aperture and Photometry (GAaP) flux of the source in filter <F> for a minimum GAaP aperture of 0.7 arcsec (0p7) or 1.0 arcsec (1p0)
  • MAG_GAAP_*_<F>: GAaP magnitude in filter <F> for a minimum GAaP aperture of 0.7 arcsec (0p7) or 1.0 arcsec (1p0); these magnitudes include a zeropoint offset based on the global photometric calibration based on Stellar Locus Regression and tying of the photometry of Gaia DR2 (see Kuijken et al. 2018, in prep.). Please note that they are not total magnitudes, except in the case of unresolved or point sources
    MAG_GAAP_*_<F> = -2.5 * log(FLUX_GAAP_*_<F>) + DMAG_<F>
  • EXTINCTION_<F>: galactic foreground extinction in filter <F> based on the E(B-V) maps from Schlegel, Finkbeiner & Davis (1998, ApJ, 500, 525) and coefficients from Schlafly & Finkbeiner (2011, ApJ. 737, 103)
  • MAG_GAAP_<F>: Optimal GAaP magnitude in filter <F>; these magnitudes are for the optimal minimum GAaP aperture determined per source and also include the extinction correction:
    MAG_GAAP_<F> = -2.5 * log(FLUX_GAAP_0p7/1p0_<F>) + DMAG_<F> - EXTINCTION_<F>
  • ODDS: a measure of the uni-modality of the redshift Probability Distribution Function; a higher value indicates a higher reliability of the best photo-z estimate.
  • T_B: the best-fit spectral template for each source; these values correspond to the following types, where fractional types can occur because the templates are interpolated: 1=CWW-Ell, 2=CWW-Sbc, 3=CWW-Scd, 4=CWW-Im, 5=KIN-SB3, 6=KIN-SB2 (Capak, 2004, PhD. thesis, Univ. Hawai'i)
  • MASK: bit value of the multi-band mask at the location of the source
  • COLOUR_GAAP_<F1>_<F2>: optimal <F1>-<F2> colour for the source; these colours are corrected for extinction
General Source Parameters Derived from r-band THELI Detection Image
ID30A Source ID
SeqNr1J Running object number within the catalogue
SLID1J AstroWise Source list ID
SID1J AstroWise Source ID within the source list
FLUX_AUTO1Ecount r-band flux (counts)
FLUXERR_AUTO1Ecount Error on FLUX_AUTO (counts)
MAG_AUTO1Emag r-band magnitude (mag)
MAGERR_AUTO1Emag Error on MAG_AUTO (mag)
KRON_RADIUS1Epixel Scaling radius of the ellipse for magnitude measurements
BackGr1Ecount Background counts at centroid position (counts)
Level1Ecount Detection threshold above background (counts)
MU_THRESHOLD1Emag*arcsec**(-2)Detection threshold above background (mag arcsec^-2)
MaxVal1Ecount Peak flux above background (counts)
MU_MAX1Emag*arcsec**(-2)Peak surface brightness above background (mag arcsec^-2)
ISOAREA_WORLD1Edeg**2Isophotal area above analysis threshold (deg^2)
Xpos1Epixel Centroid x position in the THELI image (pix)
Ypos1Epixel Centroid y position in the THELI image (pix)
RAJ20001Ddeg Centroid sky position right ascension (J2000) (deg)
DECJ20001Ddeg Centroid sky position declination (J2000) (deg)
A_WORLD1Edeg Profile RMS along major axis (deg)
B_WORLD1Edeg Profile RMS along minor axis (deg)
THETA_J20001Edeg Position angle (West of North) (deg)
THETA_WORLD1Edeg Position angle (Counterclockwise from world x-axis (deg)
ERRA_WORLD1Edeg World RMS position error along major axis (deg)
ERRB_WORLD1Edeg World RMS position error along minor axis (deg)
ERRTHETA_J20001Edeg Error on THETA_J2000 (deg)
FWHM_IMAGE1Epixel FWHM assuming a gaussian object profile (pix)
FWHM_WORLD1Edeg FWHM assuming a gaussian object profile (deg)
Flag1I SExtractor extraction flags
FLUX_RADIUS1Epixel Half-light radius (pix)
CLASS_STAR1E Star-galaxy classifier
GAaP photometry parameters from Astro-WISE co-added u,g,r,i images
EXTINCTION_u1Emag Galactic extinction in the u band (mag)
EXTINCTION_g1Emag Galactic extinction in the g band (mag)
EXTINCTION_r1Emag Galactic extinctio in the r band (mag)
EXTINCTION_i1Emag Galactic extincion in the i band (mag)
Agaper_0p71Earcsec Major axis of GAaP aperture minaper 0.7arcs (arcsec)
Bgaper_0p71Earcsec Minor axis of GAaP aperture minaper 0.7arcs (arcsec)
Agaper_1p01Earcsec Major axis of GAaP aperture minaper 1.0arcs (arcsec)
Bgaper_1p01Earcsec Minor axis of GAaP aperture minaper 1.0arcs (arcsec)
PAgaap1Edeg Position angle of major axis of GAaP aperture (North of West) (deg)
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_u1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_u minaper 0.7arcs
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_g1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_g minaper 0.7arcs
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_r1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_r minaper 0.7arcs
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_i1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_i minaper 0.7arcs
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_u1Ecount GAAP u-band flux minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_g1Ecount GAAP g-band flux minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_r1Ecount GAAP r-band flux minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_i1Ecount GAAP i-band flux minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_u1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_u minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_g1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_g minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_r1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_r minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_i1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_i minaper 0.7arcs (counts)
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_u1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_u minaper 1.0arcs
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_g1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_g minaper 1.0arcs
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_r1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_r minaper 1.0arcs
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_i1J GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_i minaper 1.0arcs
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_u1Ecount GAAP u-band flux minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_g1Ecount GAAP g-band flux minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_r1Ecount GAAP r-band flux minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_i1Ecount GAAP i-band flux minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_u1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_u minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_g1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_g minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_r1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_r minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_i1Ecount Error on FLUX_GAAP_i minaper 1.0arcs (counts)
MAG_GAAP_0p7_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAG_GAAP_0p7_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAG_GAAP_0p7_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAG_GAAP_0p7_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=0.7arcsec
MAG_GAAP_1p0_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAG_GAAP_1p0_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAG_GAAP_1p0_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAG_GAAP_1p0_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude min_aper=1.0arcsec
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude error min_aper=1.0arcsec
Suppementary Source Parameters from THELI r-band Detection Image
MAG_ISO1Emag r-band Isophotal Magnitude (mag)
MAGERR_ISO1Emag Error on MAG_ISO (mag)
FLUX_ISO1Ecount r-band Isophotal Flux (counts)
FLUXERR_ISO1Ecount Error on FLUX_ISO (counts)
MAG_ISOCOR1Emag r-band Corrected Isophotal Magnitude (mag)
FLUX_ISOCOR1Ecount r-band Corrected Isophotal Flux (counts)
FLUXERR_ISOCOR1Ecount Error on FLUX_ISOCOR (counts)
NIMAFLAGS_ISO1I Number of flagged pixels over the isophotal profile
IMAFLAGS_ISO1I FLAG-image flags ORed over the isophotal profile
XMIN_IMAGE1Ipixel Minimum x-coordinate among detected pixels (pixel)
YMIN_IMAGE1Ipixel Minimum y-coordinate among detected pixels (pixel)
XMAX_IMAGE1Ipixel Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels (pixel)
YMAX_IMAGE1Ipixel Maximum x-coordinate among detected pixels (pixel)
X_WORLD1Ddeg Barycentre position along world x axis (deg)
Y_WORLD1Ddeg Barycentre position along world y axis (deg)
X2_WORLD1Edeg**2Variance of position along X_WORLD (alpha) (deg^2)
Y2_WORLD1Edeg**2Variance of position along X_WORLD (delta) (deg^2)
XY_WORLD1Edeg**2Covariance of position X_WORLDY_WORLD (deg^2) /
ERRX2_WORLD1Edeg**2Error on XY_WORLD (deg^2)
ERRY2_WORLD1Edeg**2Error on XY_WORLD (deg^2)
ERRXY_WORLD1Edeg**2Error on XY_WORLD (deg^2)
CXX_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)SExtractor Cxx object ellipse parameter (deg^-2)
CYY_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)SExtractor Cyy object ellipse parameter (deg^-2)
CXY_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)SExtractor Cxy object ellipse parameter (deg^-2)
ERRCXX_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)Error on CXX_WORLD (deg^-2)
ERRCYY_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)Error on CYY_WORLD (deg^-2)
ERRCXY_WORLD1Edeg**(-2)Error on CXY_WORLD (deg^-2)
A_IMAGE1Dpixel Profile RMS along x-axis (pix)
B_IMAGE1Dpixel Profile RMS along y-axis (pix)
ERRA_IMAGE1Epixel Error on A_IMAGE
ERRB_IMAGE1Epixel Error on B_IMAGE
S_ELLIPTICITY1E SExtractor Ellipticity (1-B_IMAGEA_IMAGE) /
S_ELONGATION1E SExtractor Elongation (A_IMAGEB_IMAGE) /
MAG_APER_41Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 4 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_41Emag Error on MAG_APER_4 (mag)
FLUX_APER_41Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 4 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_41Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_4 (counts)
MAG_APER_61Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 6 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_61Emag Error on MAG_APER_6 (mag)
FLUX_APER_61Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 6 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_61Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_6 (counts)
MAG_APER_81Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 8 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_81Emag Error on MAG_APER_8 (mag)
FLUX_APER_81Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 8 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_81Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_8 (counts)
MAG_APER_101Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 10 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_101Emag Error on MAG_APER_10 (mag)
FLUX_APER_101Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 10 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_101Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_10 (counts)
MAG_APER_141Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 14 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_141Emag Error on MAG_APER_14 (mag)
FLUX_APER_141Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 14 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_141Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_14 (counts)
MAG_APER_201Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 20 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_201Emag Error on MAG_APER_20 (mag)
FLUX_APER_201Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 20 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_201Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_20 (counts)
MAG_APER_301Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 30 pixels (mag)
MAGGERR_APER_301Emag Error on MAG_APER_30 (mag)
FLUXERR_APER_301Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 30 pixels (counts)
FLUX_APER_301Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_30 (counts)
MAG_APER_401Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 40 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_401Emag Error on MAG_APER_40 (mag)
FLUX_APER_401Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 40 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_401Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_40 (counts)
MAG_APER_601Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 60 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_601Emag Error on MAG_APER_60 (mag)
FLUX_APER_601Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 60 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_601Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_60 (counts)
MAG_APER_1001Emag r-band Magnitude within a circular aperture of 100 pixels (mag)
MAGERR_APER_1001Emag Error on MAG_APER_100 (mag)
FLUX_APER_1001Ecount r-band Flux within a circular aperture of 100 pixels (counts)
FLUXERR_APER_1001Ecount Error on FLUX_APER_100 (counts)
ISO01Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 0 (pixel^2)
ISO11Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 1 (pixel^2)
ISO21Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 2 (pixel^2)
ISO31Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 3 (pixel^2)
ISO41Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 4 (pixel^2)
ISO51Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 5 (pixel^2)
ISO61Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 6 (pixel^2)
ISO71Ipixel**2Isophotal area at level 7 (pixel^2)
ALPHA_J20001Ddeg SExtractor named Centroid sky position right ascension (J2000) (deg)
DELTA_J20001Ddeg SEXtractor named Centroid sky position declination (J2000) (deg)
SG2DPHOT1I 2DPhot StarGalaxy classifier (1 for high confidence star)
HTM1J Hierarchical Triangular Mesh (level 25)
FIELD_POS1I Reference number to field parameters
THELI_NAME14A Name of the pointing in THELI convention
KIDS_TILE14A Name of the pointing in AW convention
GAaP photometry parameters from the VIKING Z,Y,J,H,Ks pawprints
EXTINCTION_Z1Emag Galactic extinction in the Z band (mag)
EXTINCTION_Y1Emag Galactic extinction in the Y band (mag)
EXTINCTION_J1Emag Galactic extinction in the J band (mag)
EXTINCTION_H1Emag Galactic extinction in the H band (mag)
EXTINCTION_Ks1Emag Galactic extinction in the Ks band (mag)
MAG_GAAP_0p7_Z1Emag Z magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_Z1Emag Z magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_Z1Ecount Z flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_Z1Ecount Z flux error
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_Z1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_1p0_Z1Emag Z magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_Z1Emag Z magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_Z1Ecount Z flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_Z1Ecount Z flux error
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_Z1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_0p7_Y1Emag Y magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_Y1Emag Y magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_Y1Ecount Y flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_Y1Ecount Y flux error
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_Y1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_1p0_Y1Emag Y magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_Y1Emag Y magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_Y1Ecount Y flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_Y1Ecount Y flux error
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_Y1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_0p7_J1Emag J magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_J1Emag J magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_J1Ecount J flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_J1Ecount J flux error
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_J1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_1p0_J1Emag J magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_J1Emag J magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_J1Ecount J flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_J1Ecount J flux error
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_J1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_0p7_H1Emag H magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_H1Emag H magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_H1Ecount H flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_H1Ecount H flux error
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_H1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_1p0_H1Emag H magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_H1Emag H magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_H1Ecount H flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_H1Ecount H flux error
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_H1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_0p7_Ks1Emag Ks magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_0p7_Ks1Emag Ks magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_0p7_Ks1Ecount Ks flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_0p7_Ks1Ecount Ks flux error
FLAG_GAAP_0p7_Ks1I GAAP photometry Flag
MAG_GAAP_1p0_Ks1Emag Ks magnitude
MAGERR_GAAP_1p0_Ks1Emag Ks magnitude error
FLUX_GAAP_1p0_Ks1Ecount Ks flux
FLUXERR_GAAP_1p0_Ks1Ecount Ks flux error
FLAG_GAAP_1p0_Ks1I GAAP photometry Flag
Optimal aperture 9-band GaaP photometry
MAG_GAAP_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_u1Emag u-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_u1Ecount u-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_u1Ecount u-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_u1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_u optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_g1Emag g-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_g1Ecount g-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_g1Ecount g-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_g1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_g optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_r1Emag r-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_r1Ecount r-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_r1Ecount r-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_r1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_r optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_i1Emag i-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_i1Ecount i-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_i1Ecount i-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_i1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_i optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_Z1Emag Z-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_Z1Emag Z-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_Z1Ecount Z-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_Z1Ecount Z-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_Z1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_Z optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_Y1Emag Y-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_Y1Emag Y-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_Y1Ecount Y-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_Y1Ecount Y-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_Y1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_Y optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_J1Emag J-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_J1Emag J-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_J1Ecount J-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_J1Ecount J-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_J1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_J optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_H1Emag H-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_H1Emag H-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_H1Ecount H-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_H1Ecount H-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_H1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_H optimal min_aper
MAG_GAAP_Ks1Emag Ks-band GAaP magnitude optimal min_aper
MAGERR_GAAP_Ks1Emag Ks-band GAaP magnitude error optimal min_aper
FLUX_GAAP_Ks1Ecount Ks-band GAaP flux optimal min_aper
FLUXERR_GAAP_Ks1Ecount Ks-band GAaP flux error optimal min_aper
FLAG_GAAP_Ks1I GAaP Flag for MAG_GAAP_Ks optimal min_aper
Agaper1Earcsec Major axis of GAaP aperture optimal min_aper (arcsec)
Bgaper1Earcsec Minor axis of GAaP aperture optimal min_aper (arcsec)
Photometric redshift estimate
Z_B1D 9-band BPZ redshift estimate; peak of posterior probability distribution
Z_B_MIN1D Lower bound of the 68% confidence interval of Z_B
Z_B_MAX1D Upper bound of the 68% confidence interval of Z_B
T_B1D Spectral type corresponding to Z_B
ODDS1DEmpirical ODDS of Z_B
Z_ML1D 9-band BPZ maximum likelihood redshift
T_ML1D Spectral type corresponding to Z_ML
CHI_SQUARED_BPZ1D chi sqared value associated with Z_B
M_01Dmag Reference magnitude for BPZ prior
BPZ_FILT1J filters with good photometry (BPZ)
NBPZ_FILT1J number of filters with good phot. (BPZ)
BPZ_NONDETFILT1J filters with faint photometry (BPZ)
NBPZ_NONDETFILT1J number of filters with faint phot. (BPZ)
BPZ_FLAGFILT1J flagged filters (BPZ)
NBPZ_FLAGFILT1J number of flagged filters (BPZ)
MASK1J 9-band mask information
Extinction-corrected colours
COLOUR_GAAP_u_g1Emag u-g colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_g_r1Emag g-r colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_r_i1Emag r-i colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_i_Z1Emag i-Z colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_Z_Y1Emag Z-Y colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_Y_J1Emag Y-J colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_J_H1Emag J-H colour index
COLOUR_GAAP_H_Ks1Emag H-Ks colour index

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Multi-band mask format

MASK values in the multi-band catalog.

0THELI manual mask (very conservative)
1THELI automatic large star halo mask (faint)
2THELI automatic large star halo mask (bright) or bright star mask
3Manual mask of regions around globular clusters, Fornax dwarf, ISS passage
4THELI void mask, or asteroids, or weight=0
5VIKING Z-band image masked
6VIKING Y-band image masked
7VIKING J-band image masked
8VIKING H-band image masked
9VIKING Ks-band image masked
10Astro-WISE u-band halo+stellar PULECENELLA mask or weight=0
11Astro-WISE g-band halo+stellar PULECENELLA mask or weight=0
12Astro-WISE r-band halo+stellar PULECENELLA mask or weight=0
13Astro-WISE i-band halo+stellar PULECENELLA mask or weight=0
14Object outside the RA/DEC cut for this tile
15Not used (reserved as sign bit in FITS 2-byte integer)