We provide the final output chains of the likelihood analysis from Koehlinger & KiDS 2017 (arXiv1706.02892), corresponding to the labels ‘\Lambda CDM + A_{IA} + A_{baby} + \Sigma M_\nu + noise; {2, 3} z-bins’ in Fig. 8 of that analysis. The chains were created using the publicly available likelihood module (after acceptance; either to use directly with ‘Monte Python’ or to use as a blueprint for your own code). This module was used with the publicly available ‘Monte Python’ package (based on the Boltzmann-code ’CLASS’ for cosmological calculations). All required software packages are public and can be obtained following the links below: likelihood module (available after the paper has been accepted for publication): https://bitbucket.org/fkoehlin/kids450_qe_likelihood_public Monte Python: https://github.com/baudren/montepython_public CLASS: https://github.com/lesgourg/class_public Optional packages for using the highly efficient MultiNest sampler within Monte Python (including e.g. efficient evidence calculations): PyMultiNest https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/PyMultiNest MultiNest https://github.com/JohannesBuchner/MultiNest Note that the likelihood inference was carried out using the MultiNest sampler, hence the ‘chains’ are much shorter than typical chains from a usual Metropolis-Hastings sampler. In particular, we provide the files (in FITS and tar.gz format; the latter is e.g. compatible with getdist): < KiDS450_QE_EB_4bins_{2, 3}zbins_basez_ia_bary_nu.{fits, tar.gz} > Note that it is important to propagate the weight of each point in the calculation of posterior probability distributions! The format of each line in these files is as follows: Column 1: weight of the point Column 2: -ln(Likelihood) Column Name Parameter/meaning 3 omega_cdm \Omega_{cdm} * h^2 4 ln10^{10}A_s \ln (10^10 * A_s) 5 omega_b \Omega_{baryons} * h^2 6 n_s n_s 7 h h = H0 / (100 km / Mpc / s) 8 M_tot total mass of 3 degenerate neutrino species 9 m_corr parameter for marginalizing over shear calibration uncertainty 10 A_noise_z1 parameter for marginalizing over excess-noise (z-bin 1) 11 A_noise_z2 parameter for marginalizing over excess-noise (z-bin 2) 12 A_noise_z3 parameter for marginalizing over excess-noise (z-bin 3) 13 A_IA amplitude for intrinsic alignments 14 A_bary amplitude for the baryon feedback model 15 Omega_m \Omega_m 16 sigma8 \sigma_8 17 S8 S_8 = \sigma_8 * \sqrt(\Omega_m / 0.3) Note that it is important to propagate the weight of each point in the calculation of posterior probability distributions!