Data availability
As KiDS is an ESO Public Survey, all KiDS data will be publicly released. Basic data products will include astrometrically and photometrically calibrated coadded imaging, and single-band and multi-band source lists. On longer timescales KiDS is also committed to provide higher-level data products, which may include Gaussianized images, or value-added catalogues with PSF-matched multi-band photometry or source analysis results.
KiDS+VIKING-450 cosmic shear
The first combined cosmological measurements of KiDS and VIKING were published in Hildebrandt et al. (2019), based on 450 sq.deg. of KiDS+VIKING data. Based on greatly enhanced 9-band photometric redshifts and new image simulations (Kannawadi et al. 2018) this measurement updates the results from Hildebrandt et al. (2017) and significantly increases the systematic robustness. Details and access to related data products are provided on the following webpage:
→ KiDS+VIKING-450 cosmic shear
KiDS+VIKING-450 catalog
This is the weak lensing shear catalog with 9-band photometry from both KiDS and VIKING, used for the cosmic shear analysis in Hildebrandt et al. (2018), based on the KiDS-450 shear catalog reference below.
KiDS-450 shear catalog
The weak lensing shear catalog used for the cosmic shear analysis in Hildebrandt et al. (2017), based on nearly the same data set as KiDS DR3, was released on January 3rd 2017. Both through ESO and CADC the catalog can be queried, while CADC also hosts r-band image stacks from the lensing optimized THELI reduction.
→ KiDS-450 weak lensing catalog
Data Release 3
KiDS-ESO-DR3, the third public data release of KiDS (DR3) adds calibrated, stacked images and their weights, masks and single-band source lists for 292 survey tiles to the tiles released in DR1 and DR2. DR3 also contains a multi-band source catalog encompassing the combined 440 square degrees of all releases. This catalog now provides Gaussian Aperture and Photometry (GAaP) magnitudes for accurate colors, homogenized photometry and photometric redshifts. All data are available via the ESO archive facility, the AstroWISE Information System and this website.
KiDS-450 cosmic shear
The first cosmological measurements of KiDS were published in Hildebrandt et al. (2017), based on 450 sq.deg. of KiDS data. Compared to the previously released shear catalogs, the shear KiDS-450 catalogs also made use of an improved, 'self-calibrating' version of lensfit, better photometric color calibration using stellar locus regression, and direct calibration of the photo-z's to deep spectroscopic surveys. Details and access to related data products are provided on the following webpage:
→ KiDS-450 paper and data access
Lensing catalogs 2015
These weak lensing shear catalogs cover the overlap of the combined KiDS-ESO-DR1 and KiDS-ESO-DR2 data sets with the equatorial survey regions of GAMA. Shear measurements made using a dedicated pipeline using THELI and Lensfit, while the included photometry and photometric redshifts are derived from the DR1/2 coadded images using image gaussianization and Gaussian-weighted aperture photometry. The catalogs can be downloaded via this website.
Data Release 2
The second public data release of KiDS (KiDS-ESO-DR2) contains calibrated, stacked images and their weights, masks and single-band source lists for 98 square degrees, as well as a multi-band source catalog encompassing the 150 square degrees of the first two KiDS data releases combined. All data are available via the ESO archive facility, as well as via the AstroWISE Information System.
Data Release 1
The first public data release of KiDS (KiDS-ESO-DR1) encompasses the first 50 square degrees that were observed successfully in all filters. Provided in this release are the calibrated, stacked images and their weights, as well as masks and single-band source lists extracted from the stacks. The data is available via the ESO science archive facility as well as via the AstroWISE Information System.