Synoptic table

The synoptic table provides easy access to both data products and their inspection plots:
KiDS-ESO-DR2 synoptic table

The synoptic table consists of two separate pages/tables, the contents of which are described below.

Observing blocks table

This table contains plots and links per observing block (OB: a single filter pointing). In the default view the following information is shown for each OB:

  • Tile name
  • Filter
  • OB start time

The table can be sorted based on most of these parameters using the form on the top. Clicking on the table entry for an OB shows further links and inspection plots:

  • link to QualityWISE page of the coadd
  • thumbnail of the coadd
  • thumbnail of the coadd in units of background standard deviation
  • thumbnail of the weight frame
  • PSF FWHM comparison plot; compares (input) ReducedScienceFrames and rebinned, stacked CoaddedRegriddedFrames. Points should lie on blue (x=y) line.
  • PSF anisotropy plot showing PSF size and ellipticity over the FOV
  • thumbnail of the coadd with mask areas overplotted in green
  • FWHM vs. SNR plot showing stellar locus; high-confidence star candidates, used to determine the FWHM, in red.
  • Plot showing object signal-to-noise vs. 2arcsec aperture magnitude; used for limiting magnitude determination
  • Plot used to determine 98% completeness of DETECT_THRESH = 1.5 source list (see Completeness and contamination)
  • CLASS_STAR vs. SNR plot used for star-galaxy separation (see Source extraction and star/galaxy separation)
  • Surface brightness vs. 2arcsec aperture magnitude plot, used to determine saturation magnitude
  • Thumbnail of coadd with source list sources overplotted. Red: sources in masked areas. Blue: (unmasked) sources classified as stars. Green: (unmasked) sources classified as galaxies. Note: sources with S/N (2arcsec aperture) < 3 are not shown.

The link "expand all" just above the table will expand all accordions.

Catalog table

This table contains per tile a number of plots that provide information on the photometry in the multi-band catalog:

  • principle color plots (Ivezic et al. 2004, AN, 325, 583) of stellar objects
  • color-color plot of stellar objects: u-g vs. r-i
  • photometric comparison to SDSS (for details see Photometric quality)